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History Project institute №1 - the country's history


In 2014, Project Development Insitute No.1 made the transition to  innovative full  project design cycle in a three-dimensional BIM environment.



More than 5,000 facilities in 20 countries

Завод «Вибратор» i


Vibrator plant

Project Development Institute No. 1 has been carrying out design activities for the Leningrad instrument-engineering plant virtually since its founding in 1947. Modernization projects for the enterprise were implemented in the 1960s, allowing for the manufacture of new products. The plant moved its main production site to the “Parnas” industrial zone under a program envisioning the withdrawal of industrial enterprises from the center of the city in 1998.The Institute developed respective design project. 


The Institute’s outstanding personalities

Анатолий Андреевич Ивойлов

Anatoly Ivoilov

Director of Project Development Institute No. 1 1958–1964

Anatoly Ivoilov began working at Project Development Institute No. 1 in 1947. He started holding management positions in 1951, climbing the career ladder from department head to chief engineer. On 18 April 1958, he was appointed Director of Project Development Institute No. 1 per the recommendation of General Project at the Ministry of Construction of the RSFSR. He was a member of the Scientific Board at the Construction and Architectural Academy. Under the direction of A.A. Ivoilov, the Institute gained a special drawing office in 1958, and a special architectural and construction department for designing spatial structures in 1961; skill advancement study groups were arranged as well. In 1963, during principal rearrangement of the design department using Project Development Institute No. 1 as a base, Soyuzmachstroyproject All-Union Association with 5,770 persons was created and the Institute became its lead. 


Institute projects