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Implemented Projects

The Institute’s achievements include: participation in the design and construction of such industrial giants as the Izhorsky, Baltic and Kirov plants, Electrosila, Admiralty Shipyard, Atommash in Volgodonsk, the Shipbuilding Plant in Riga, and Belshina in Bobruisk - one of the largest tire plants in Europe today. The project count is in the thousands, and the number of industrial sectors that have achieved quantum leaps thanks to the Institute’s impressive technological advances - in the dozens.

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Search results:

- 1946
2021 -

Found projects: 32 Clean all filters

  1. Ленинградский завод «Союз» i

    Author: Максим Седышев

    Soyuz Leningrad plant

    Period: 1964 - 1965

  2. Proletary porcelain plant, Leningrad

    Period: 1946 - 1975

  3. Phillip Morris Izhora tobacco factory

    Period: 2001 - 2002

  4. Lenbytkhim

    Period: 1982 - 1991

  5. Neva furniture industrial complex

    Period: 1972 - 1989

  6. Kirovobad porcelain plant

    Period: 1967 - 1970

  7. Straume Riga plant

    Period: 1968 - 1977

  8. Krasny Bogatyr Moscow Plant

    Period: 1992 - 1992

  9. Tobacco factory named after Klara Zetkin 1991–1996

    Period: 1991 - 1996

  10. Lenkozhvest tannery

    Period: 1991 - 1995

  11. Severnoe Siyanie perfume factory

    Period: 1995 - 1996

  12. Tuimazy porcelain plant

    Period: 1972 - 1974

Institute projects